This was out last night on the road. This little Casino was lit up like Las Vegas! There was almost a full moon, in addition to all the lights on the building and the Palm trees. It's was very pretty. Just across the Highway is the Salton Sea.
We arrived in Yuma this morning at 9:30 AM. Spent the last road night in the parking lot of the Red Earth Casino, on the shores of the Salton Sea. Weak WiFi, and no Buffet. :-( Anyway, didn't take any pictures. IT'S SOOOO NICE to be back in our little house in Yuma!
Remember you can click on a picture to enlarge it. Then use the back arrow on the top left to get back to the blog. My comments on the pictures are always on the bottom.

Mary Luther. Lead Singer and Bass. Mary is who makes Hudson Ridge "Happen". This picture was taken Saturday the 23rd in Stayton, OR. Hudson Ridge was the "Headliner" group at the Stayton Fine Arts Music Festival. They did a performance to benefit the High School Music Department.

Bob Shaffar. Dobro, Violin, Viola, and Cool Hat!

Jerene Shaffar. Sings, plays Bass and Mandolin.

Kevin Freeman. Lead Guitar, Singer.

Shelley Freeman. Singer and Bass.

On Stage in Stayton. A GREAT performance! This group is going places!

Fred Grove. Singer and Rhythm guitar.

And one more of Mary....She sings her heart out..........

Late on a cold, wet, afternoon in Salem, OR. The leaves were beautiful this year, but the strong winds and rain of last week are taking their toll on the leaves.

Dozens of interesting clocks in this shop...Some real beauties.

Grandfather clocks are standing all over the floor space. Some worth several thousand dollars. All shapes and sizes. The owner of this clock shop is one of the few Master Clock Makers left...anywhere.

Kizzy is the latest member of the Whaley family. She's such a sweetie!

Sunday morning. Bob is showing me pictures of some projects he has been working on at work. Bob is an "Old School-New School" Machinist. There's not much he doesn't know about building and repairing any kind of a mechanical piece. Currently he's at a large shop that takes care of several lumber mills.

A dark, rainy morning, we get ready to leave Bob and Ronda's, enroute the South Land.

We had rain from Salem all the way to just North of the San Francisco Bay.

Stopped near the base of Mount Shasta. Julie doesn't like the wind very much, she wanted to get back inside Minnie. Hard to pee in the wind when you weigh less than 3 pounds. It was so foggy and cloudy you couldn't see the mountain, although we were very close.

Gina's Cafe. Don (vsp)'s favorite breakfast place in Stockton, CA. This pastry was fresh out of the oven.

Don has a Veggie Scramble a couple times a week. Of course it comes with hash browns and gravy. He says he has it so he can get his vegetables. In this picture he's pointing out how to use the iBook I just bought from him. Been wanting to see what a Mac was all about, so now I have one to play with this Winter.

A Quiche. Zucchini, bacon, onions, and other stuff. Sure smelled good. They pulled it from the oven just as we were leaving.

Don snapped this picture of me at the counter at Gina's. He introduced me to all his early morning "cronies". A very nice place, and fine bunch of people. I'm getting coffee to go.

All summer, Don has ridden his bicycle 3.7 miles to get here for breakfast. Then over 5 miles to get home. It's been good for him. Now that it's getting cold in the mornings, he'll be driving again. Gina's isn't your typical "greasy spoon". It would satisfy just about any critical gourmet!

Flying J has merged with Pilot. They took out the old restaurants and replaced them with Denny's. The stores have been all re-arranged. They are also using a new WiFi service, not as good as the old one. Sometimes "Change" isn't good!

For many years, the hills and valleys around Palm Springs have had wind generators. Seems like they have been adding a lot, there are hundreds of new ones this year.
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