Tallest hill in Yuma city limits. There are several antennas up here, communication for the Police Department. Nice dirt road getting up, requires 4 wheel drive...or a small dirt bike :-) There is a gate, but I was able to ride around it. The picture really doesn't do it justice, but you seem to be on the top of the World up here. A hiker that was up there took my picture. Chilly up at this high elevation! :-)

Happy couple and a camera! Katie has over 31,000 pictures on external hard drive! We need these two to get a blog going!

Redd with Bull and Baby. These are his Kitty Kat chasers!

A BUNCH of you VROC'ers will be seeing this hat in person later this Spring! It's a real beauty!

Another fine morning! What a difference a week can make. We're back to warm riding weather. Jim and Katie stopped at Western Arizona University Entrepreneurial Center registering for a Photo Software Class we're going to take. I came up here to gas us and baske in the sunshine while they're busy.

Going North on Hwy 95. Castle Dome. A local landmark. Next week we're going to ride the dirt bikes up to the ghost town at the foot of this rock.

10 miles of dirt road to the old town. Lots of side roads off to other mines in the area too...

Kind on in the shadow, but the speedo on the Burgman is reading 104 mph. sort of hard to take pictures without a cruise control. Can't hold the camera with my left hand, so have to let go of the gas, snap, then grab the throttle. So, it slowed down a little before I could get the picture.

That pile of rocks is part of the original Stone Cabin. there was a gold and silver mine here. We were told this old cabin was built in the late 1700's.

Hill above Stone Cabin

The little roadside cafe has flags from all the services. Having spent 31 years in the Coast Guard, this flag warmed my heart:-)

Jim and Katie gazing at some of the interesting things here at Stone Cabin

Not the whole menu

Two SW Beef burgers and one Buffalo burger. Lots of good grease here!

May need an "ice cream run" up here some day.

Katie's Buffalo burger. Lean meat, more healthy.

Thick beef burger, lots of cheese, jalapeno peppers, and fresh tomato salsa, and a big stack of grilled onions make up the South West Burger....

A Victore Vision, and Cross Country. The guys riding this were doing an evaluation. One of them has the TV show, "Good Morning San Diego". These bike, and their story will be on TV this weekend. (in San Diego, of course)

The Burgman only has a few miles, about 50 now, before it turns over 10,000 miles. I'm going to change the rear tire next week. Runs like new..or better.

The two TV personalities, Jim (Wrong Turn), and Randy, the owner/operator of this eatery in the desert. He also has a nice little gift shop. Jim just found a book he wanted, and is paying for it as we're ready hit the road for home. It's about 60 miles from there to the Lynda Vista in Yuma.

Ah Ha! A church! Katie hears the Wedding Bells ringing!

With this ring, I be wed..............

To have and to hold, and to laugh a lot.............

You may kiss the bride.

and we're ready to roll. It's been another good day in Paradise!

Jim's T-Dub and my XT. The look a lot alike, except for the fat wheels on Jim's. Jan 6th, on the bank of the Colorado. The US is in the background here. The tall pole is an observation tower along the Border.

Jim on the bank of the Colorado River. Behind him is Mexico. Yes, that water that looks like an irrigation canal IS the Colorado. It runs North to South along here.

The bikes with Mexico in the background. Between where we are here, and the small mountain in the background, is the City of Algodones, Baja California, Mexico.
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