We're at the Burgers & Beer. The pretty blond lady is Romy, our VROC friend from Calgary, Alberta. They rode in today on their Gold Wing. All the certificates are awards, this place has been voted "Best American Food" in Yuma for several years, as well as a lot of other awards.

Girls at the counter. They kept us entertained during out 45 minute wait to get a table

The place was packed, we shouldn't have gone there at 6 PM on Friday night.

Dave & Romy are almost residents! We enjoy their several visits a year down here.

Jim & Katie. We had a good time, but I think we all decided we probably wouldn't come back to this place. Long wait, food OK but nothing to get excited about, and the prices were high.

Romy did enjoy a small strawberry Margarita!

I had what they call a Cowboy Burger, it was a fairly good Chili Burger.

Inside Dra. Anna Marie's Dental office. Always clean, they have a TV and up to date magazines. Pat had a Root Canal and Crown done here. She said it was painless! This is in Algodones, Mexico. There are over 300 Dentists in a very small city.

Typical prices for the several beauty shops in Algodones, Baja California, Mexico.

This place advertises....."If you don't like the food, you don't have to pay". I doubt if they lose much money with this policy, they food is excellent!

Katie's "last meal" before the dentist. We ate, while Pat was in getting a root canal.

Maybe not a full Mariachi band, but we did get serenaded during breakfast. Until the owner ran them off :-)

There are dozens of shirt shops, as well as jewelry, paintings, clothes, and all sorts of art work.

This is as close as this little lady can come to a smile. She really did try. And, yes, Karen, I gave her a nice tip for letting me take her picture :-)

The lady with the red hair is getting it braided while she listens to the live music in the town square.

Not too bad a line today when we were ready to leave. Exactly one hour to the minute to get out.

One of the over 300 dentists offices in Algodones.

This lady was showing her wares on her arm. They really are nice, and only 5 bucks each! Lots of street vendors, but they aren't real pushy.

Cars and bikes were barely missing this dog. He was too tired to pay any attention to them.

This is the street our dentist is on. Over the years, we've tried several. All good. We went here today on the recommendation from fiends in our Park that said she does a very good job. We think it will work out fine.

The dog finally moved. Now, he's laying on the sidewalk next to the line going out the border crossing.

The Mexican Flag at the Border

For $10 a seat, this guy will pedal 6 people at a time to the crossing. They have some arrangement for them to get ahead of cars and walkers.

We go an eCard Valentine from Doctor Edna. She was the first that worked on us, and did the most. Haven't really needed much after her work 4 years ago. She has excellent credentials, a very nice office, and a good staff. But, that makes her busy, and it takes a while to get in to see her. And, she has raised her prices accordingly. :-) Would probably use her again for a big job though.

A nice looking "tourist restaurant". The food isn't any better than the places we like, but it costs more.

Love the colors in this shirt!

I think Kawani would like one of these Turquoise necklasses.

Not Mexico! Last night I rode the TW200 out to a Loves Truck Stop to deliver it to this trailer. That was Tuesday evening. Thursday evening, the truck with the bike inside will roll into Crawfordville, Florida and will be delivered to the new owner.

The trailer was full of bikes. The hauler makes this trip every two weeks, picking up bikes on the West Coast and delivering them to the East coast cities.