Julie. An Arizona Guard Dog. 12 years, 8 months old. She's a very comforting friend.

Photo by KT

Highway 62. Photo by KT

Purple Hills! Photo by KT

Sherm on a borrowed quad..headed for the bushes. Photo by KT

Sad looking Palms! Photo by KT

Arizona has a lot of different dirt and rocks.... Photo by KT

Bridge over the Colorado River at Parker, AZ. Photo by KT

Some sand dunes. Photo by KT

Sherm & Pat on the "Half-a-Busa". Photo by KT

Our rides of the day. Photo by KT

Wrong Turn scoping out the landscape. Photo by KT.

A happy rider! KT took this from the bike as we were going down the road.

Katie bought these dancin' shoes for the wedding. She's breaking them in today on our bike ride. Cool shoes!

At Stone Cabin. It was a chilly morning, and Jim was freezing his Butt off because of his bead seat cover. So, he got a piece of cardboard from Randy the Burger-man, and made himself a "Bead Cover" It was 60 some degrees, but the cool air circulating under him wasn't fun:-)

We stopped at this BLM dry camp near Quartzsite. Met up with Bill Baxter, a friend from Coos Bay. We brought him a sack full of fresh picked Tangelos. I used his quad to head for the bushes for an Arizona Rest Stop. Too much coffee this morning!

Katie took about 300 pictures today. Both her and Jim sure have a good eye for shots.

Lady in a gas station recommended this place for lunch. The food was OK, and it was a fun place to eat. The town is Parker, Arizona.

Katie and Pat are laughing it up. This is a 50's-60's kind of diner.

Don (VSP) would never be able to reach this towel dispenser! The sink is chest high. This was an "added" bathroom, so all the plumbing is underneath the throne! Interesting place, it's been owned by the same family for many years.

Lots of nice antiques on all the walls.

The people in the corner are advertisements for the Good and Plenty servings!

We all had a light lunch. Well, Pat had a light lunch. :-) Except for her Peach Cobbler for desert.

Some of the pens in this collection are over a hundred years old.

Jim had a question for the waitress..don't remember if he got an answer. The shirt says her name is Bubbles.

We had some interesting company for our lunch break.

Katie doing her Betty Boop routine.

Ad for a clothing store in Parker, AZ.

This ad is more interesting to me...
We just crossed the bridge over the Colorado River, and are now in California

Waiting at a Quick Stop. Jim and Katie recrossed the bridge for a picture they missed the first time over.

We're ready to roll again.

Still life in the desert. Well, at least the green bush is alive.

Ya just gotta get the right pose to be a photographer!

They look better from a distance. We picked up a lot of dust earlier in the day. We're on the way home now.

Jim wandering off for more pictures of rocks or something :-)

Katie looking for "Giants in the Desert" We read a roadside marker about them, but never did find them. She explored the top of the dune to see what was on the other side..Like the bear, there was just more of the same.

Since we couldn't fine the originals, Jim decided to draw some of his own pictures in the sand.

I don't believe it.

Last picture of this ride. We're still over an hour from home, but didn't stop much after this. It was a pretty long day in the saddle, but we did have a lot of fun! 269 miles according to the GPS.
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