The Cloud Museum. The T-Dub pulls a cute little buggy. Went out with Scott, Tom, and Redd today. I need a picture to send to the TW200 discussion forum, so needed some to pick from.

Sherm at Laguna Dam.

Scott, Tom, and Redd. Redd took all the pictures of me today.

Redd by an old Army chopper.

The Old War Horse. Bullet holes and all. This old boy saw action in Germany during WW2.

Two Shermans. The Old War Horse, and the even older bike rider.

Interesting! And, I'm 4 years older than the tank :-)

Scott, Tom, and Redd. We were worried that the Military Police may stop us for removing Army property. Tom's Harley is painted the same color as these old tanks! About the same size too. :-)

New cabbage. Lettuce is being grown and harvested already. As well as other vegetables, and the cotton fields look like they are about ready to harvest.

Rest break at a produce vendor

Lots of good stuff. This vendor sell Tamales, but this is only the second day they have been opened for the season, and and won't have and fresh Tamales until next week

Sherm and Bull along side Michelle and Redd's place

At the bottom of Laguna Dam on the Colorado River.
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