The Tamarack Fine Food store meat counter. Its a nice clean store with a lot of specialty items. 13 miles from the house, near the College in Yuma.

They make beans every day. 16 different flavors, but they usually have 12 available by early afternoon. They sell cups, pints, and quarts to go. Also cornbread and coleslaw. I had some kind of sausage and Redd had the Carne Asada. Both excellent! I'll be bringing home a quart after we get back from California next week.

Riding in Tall Cotton! This was the last day for a nice warm ride before we have to leave Yuma. We're going to Santa Rosa, California for Thanksgiving, and to celebrate Pat's mother's 100th Birthday on Saturday.

Those cotton bolls aren't rotten! They are about ready for harvest.

Pat's mother gave us this Christmas Cactus several years ago. It never bloomed until we brought it to Arizona. It has about 50 blossoms on it right now, these were the first to open. They have delicate pink centers.
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