The "New" Redd. He quit wearing his Harley Hat, and picked up this nice new one at the Swap meet last weekend. The TW is short for "Trail Way", a Dual Sport motorcycle for on and off road. He shaved off his big handlebar mustache because a miner skin cancer that is being taken care of. Just doesn't look like the same ol' Redd, but he still sounds and acts the same :-)

Redd and Michelle planted this Hibiscus a few days ago. It's already loaded with blossoms, due to Redd's withered up old Green Thumb. -)

The back and sides of the Old Apache Hotel is starting to look like a museum


One of the fire pits. He has 2 now.

Plants and things....

A corner spot.

Redd dug out a whole bunch of trash and junked parts, and built this nice little shrine, with a Fig tree and other plants and shrubs

Citrus and palm trees. Also a grape vine back there, and another fig tree

The back of the old Hotel.

Not a working wheel barrow now.

An old cook stove. Remember you can click on picture to see them better

The swing

Redd and Michelle, enjoying their back yard

The Sparrows can empty this feeder in 3 days, even when it's filled to the top.

One of the entries into the building.
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