Jim, Katie and I rode some and ended up at the top of this hill. It's the site of old Fort Yuma. Right above the Colorado River at Yuma Crossing, the best place to cross the River for many miles. Of course, that was before dams and flood control, when the River was big and unruly.

A split second before contact with the ground. :-) Katie had fun playing at the old school ground on the reservation.

The Methodist Mission on the Quechan Reservation

Lots in interesting history right in this place in the desert. There are volumes written about this area.

This is the museum. It was closed over 2 years about for renovation, but...no work has been started yet.

There are some beautiful Palms up here around the fort and the old Mission.

Some peeling wall paper.

Bench in front of one of the buildings. Most of them are empty, some are used for Quechan administrations, and the Reservation Police station.

You could click on the picture if you want to read this. We had a very good hour or more in the house and grounds.

Inside one of the two original rooms that were built in the 1790's. The ceilings were restored to original. For many years, plaster was put over the sticks and adobe and must mud that was the roof. The plaster has been removed, and the original roof is still there now. I didn't take a picture of it. Next time :-)

The cactus are getting the "jelly blossoms" on them now. The gardens had a huge variety of plants, shrubs and flowers.

A nice fuzzy little cactus. But, you wouldn't want to get too friendly with it.

Part of a prickly pear.

New growth on an old cactus.

Katie probably took over a hundred shots today! She does an excellent job!

Inside the gardens.

One of MANY different flowers. I thought this was sort of unusual.

Loved the colors in this one. OK, enough flower pictures

A Yuman hunter.

This picture was taken by Katie Acree. Katie and Jim went to a Pow Wow this last weekend. Tribes from all over the South West were there to dance, eat, and do all the things they do at a Pow Wow. Katie took MANY pictures. All very good. I liked this little dancer the best. There were many beautiful costumes.

Poncho seranades Aunt Edna!

In this case, Aunt Edna isn't the Clement's Hedge Hog. It's a Chayote Espinoso (Spiney Squash) We're going to eat it tomorrow. Probably taste better than Hedgehog anyway. :-)

Our Special Needs child. Julie is trying, but still can't walk. The Vet told us today that she would gradually get better. After about a month, how she is, is about as good as we can expect. There will be some residual from the brain damage, how much, we don't know. We're hoping that she'll be able to walk. She doesn't seem to be in pain, and is still very clingy and loving. We'll just have to help her more.

Julie. Many of you have seen and held her over the last 13 years. This picture was just a few weeks age in Yuma. Last night she had an accident and has a swelled brain. She's taking steriods, and had made slight improvement today. She's unable to walk, but her eyes look better, and she's moving more. We'll be taking her back to the Vet on Monday morning.

Bill Baxter. A friend from Coos Bay that spends the Winters in Quartzsite with Barbara.

We were on our way to Las Vegas. Bought tickets for a weekend of NASCAR races and fun. We enjoyed a meal with Bill and Barb on he way North.

A "wet" Burrito, loaded with the most wonderful shredded beef!

We ate with friends Ed and Carl in Kingman. There were several colors of beautiful Pansies in front of the Golden Coral.

Good friends and neighbors! They are on a mission this morning, making an early start to Phoenix. Won't be long before they'll be peeling off some of those clothes! Gonna be hot today.

Pat painted all the porch rails, now she's working on the overhead of the carport. She didn't want to get paint on the bikes, so I helped by going out for a ride. :-)

Yes it is!
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