Go Girl! Katie with a high energy drink. I ended up doing some sort of duplicates, since I was using two cameras today. Hope you like the pictures of Christmas Day, 2010. Yuma, Arizona.

Tom And Patti are enjoying the music. This will be the entertainment for New Years Eve. They are GREAT!

The guys are building a fire to roast hot dogs in.

You may have to click to see, but note the back of the chairs. They came from a grocery store in Cortez, Colorado. Skid and Sandy bought them to sit in while watching the Rodeo Parade. Then didn't have a way to carry them on the bike..so.......

These ladies are "dancin' the to music"

Katie back there strolling around taking pictures

Jim is cooking 4 Hebrew National hot dogs.

Pat is setting up the table for our food, Katie clapping for the music! or, maybe just because she's happy!

Chef Wrong Turn.

After a little liquid encouragement, some of the guys got up to dance.

Katie is ready to chow down. She loaded it up with Guacamole

Jim is fixin' his up

A couple that perform in Branson, MO, are in the park. They decided to entertain us on Christmas afternoon, so we had a hot dog roast.

Jim is back to wearing his riding shorts. Pretty warm for the 25th of December. High 70's out her in the sun.

This couple are professionals! Excellent music!

Jerry the Jammer is playing on his porch I stopped tell him about the entertainment going on at the Gazebo.

After the hotdogs, we decided to go on a short ride before Christmas Day is over.

We're at the Border. That's Algodones, Mexico in the background.

Old Highway 80 just West of Winterhaven in California

We rode in 2 states and touched the Mexican border, all in about 30 minutes.

Yuma Crossing. The Ocean to Ocean Bridge.

Prison cells in the Old Territorial Prison

Redd has another new dog. He's meeting Jim.

Bull, Redd, and Baby the new Min Pin. They traded little Lucy for her. Made me sort of sad.

The sun is going down over the Desert Oasis. End of Christmas day, 2010.

Jim & Pat and one of the tanks. A chilly 69 degrees today for our ride. A nice dry Christmas Eve! We're at the US Army Proving grounds looking at old machinery of war.

Both Katie and Pat read a lot of the descriptions. It's an interesting place

Some of the pads are empty, they have moved some of the guns to a different location. There is a new museum area that we haven't seen yet.

I think I saw Slick and Biglefti riding on this last Spring :-)

Small rocket launcher

Mostly old, some newer tanks and equipment

Two mighty fine looking motorcycles...well, maybe one motorcycle and one little scooter.

One of Jim and Katie's cactus fell over. I loaned them a long bungie cord, and they carefully got it standing up again. Katie picked it up just like she knew what she was doing!

Yet another picture of our Christmas Cactus. It gets better every day. And, tomorrow IS Christmas!

Christmas Eve! These Tamales were made fresh this morning. There is a family in Algodones, Mexico that makes them up every week for special orders. Tamales are the traditional item to eat on Christmas in Mexico, so this is the busiest time of year for them. They are moist and delicious. Seasoned ground corn meal stuffed with shredded beef, some sliced potatoes, a piece of Jalapeno or other chili, a couple green olives, and sometimes other vegetables inside. All seasoned to perfection. Then, wrapped in corn husks and steamed. They are best when still warm.

"Not so old" sidewalk in Algodones. Very few dirt sidewalks any more. The appearance of the whole town is looking new and clean. No one has told the dogs they aren't suppose to walk on fresh concrete.

This is the back of a pretty nice restaurant. The back of the properties don't always look as nice as the front :-)

Something was torn down recently here. Probably in a few days something new will be going up. This is a Rubbertree. If you look close, you can see Goodyear imprinted on each leaf.

These room are used by "ladies of the night" here above the Hawaiian Club.

This lady makes several hundred tortillas a day. They use real lard, the the taste is indescribable

Pick your meat! Just point to the picture of what you want to eat. They had about 20 chickens turning on a big spit outside on the sidewalk. Was going to get a picture on the way out, but was too full to remember. :-)

She makes the dough right there, then runs blobs of it through this machine to smash it, then she pops them on the grill. When cooked they go in the cloth lined basket to be served.

We had some kind of egg dish, had ham and bacon in it, and all the vegetable trimmings. VERY good. The cook brought us a basket of fresh tortillas right after I took this picture. They were WONDERFUL!

These babies were hot off the grill. Soft, warm, and delicious.

A Mexican dog. Resting in the early morning sun, after a big night of running the streets.

One of the 350 dentists in Algodones. I think this one specializes in Wooden teeth.

This place was painted green last year. Still the same good stuff inside. I got out with a large sack of goodies. Total out the door was $3.00

This is a new sign I hadn't seen before. Doctor Edna was the first dentist we used down here. She does an excellent job, and has a very clean, modern office. Have tried 2 others since. They all do a fine job.