Del with her Q Chord, and Al with his Steel. Two of the regular at Bard Community Center on Friday nights

Raymond is the MC. He's in his early 90's and is in good health.

Dave sings and plays a Strum Stick. And, he plays it very well.

Amber is our favorite Waitress at the Mad Chef. We usually go there after the Bard sing on Friday.

Tom and Patti. New in our Park, and this was the first time they went to bard. They also have a motorcycle.

Jan and Ev.

Dale (Ev's husband) and Amber. You never know what color her hair will be. We've seen red, blond, brown, and now black. She's very efficient, and funny too.

I left with another couple from the park, they were riding a Harley. 1st stop was this clock shop, I dropped off some watches that needed batteries.

A few miles out Hwy 95 North, we pass this church that has a Living Christmas tree every year. We'll be going again, they do a very nice job of setting it up, and the music is wonderful. MANY computer controlled lights on the tree too.

Inside the place we stopped for lunch in the town of Wellton. We had turned off Hwy 95 and rode South and East through the farm and ranch country of the Dome Valley. Then a ways East on old Hwy 80 on to the town.

Artifacts, pictures, and lots of interesting things cover the walls.

Painting on leather. They also had a miniature setup of downtown Tombstone.

The sign at the entrance

Pretty tough duty driving one of those old stage coaches

Big Indian, and a little toy soldier.

There was another one of these mounted on an old wagon wheel. I thought I had a pic of it, but guess I didn't.

Real feathers on this head dress. Just beautiful! I didn't get any pictures of Tom and Judy or their bike. I'm make sure I get some next time.
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