80's today! Warm and sunny. We took some friends to Mexico this morning so he could get some dental work started. They had some dancers in the town square. Remember you can click on any picture to make it larger. Use the back arrow to return to the blog

A Mexican tummy.

The dancers had beautiful costumes

This young lady had to wrap up before doing her part.

Yes, Roxy. The guys did have thongs on :-)

I imagine all those feathers and costume parts were pretty heavy and warm.

They did the dancing bare foot.

One drummer did all the music for this group.

Nice shrimp fresh today from the Sea of Cortez. We bought a pound of them to take home. We also ate shrimp taco and a fresh Tamale for lunch. Finished it off at the bakery. I had a nice heavy piece of break pudding pastry..Yum!

There are lots of good places to eat in Algodones

Pinatas anyone? These are some large ones!

Different group. This guy played a flute like Kokopelli!

Different dance team

Great music from this organ

He's not blonde, he's gray!

We do have a Cat House in Yuma

Inside Michelle's Hotel/home. This is where Redd lives now. I took a few pictures. Some day I'll get some pictures of the old rooms. This was built in 1919, remodeled in 1953. Lots of interesting history in this building!

A home is not a home without a pink Flamingo!

She has lots of very good pictures

Another one I liked

Black Bart looks like he may have worked on Broke Back Mountain! This is a print, 5 of 10. Titled "The death of Black Bart" Painted in 1974

Not sure about what this means, but I kind of liked it :-)

A "chili bank"...save up your cash for Margarita's

Nice Gecho on the wall. It eats crumbs dropped from the dining room table

Minnie lives here too.

Jaws from a Buffalo, nice Dream Catcher

The Story Teller. I really like this one! And, a pot of gold.

Kokopilli and Pomegranates

Cute little guy sun bathing in the yard

Redd and Michelle have a lot of antiques mounted on the fence, the walls, and every place you look

Sherm and Bull. He's my buddy. The brindle Chihuahua is a very friendly little dog.

Redd in front of the Hotel Apache
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